Irregular Menstrual Cycle

There are many factors which contribute to irregular menstrual periods in some women. These include the following:

• A woman can have irregular periods due to significant
weight loss or weight gain.
• Overexercise can also result in irregular menstruation.
• Poor nutrition and diet which is rich in carbohydrates may cause
a hormonal imbalance and menstrual disturbances.
• Some medications can cause irregularities in menstruation.
• Many women who are smokers experience irregular periods.
• Excessive intake of coffee is also a cause of irregular menstruation.
• Use of excessive alcohol can also disturb hormonal metabolism which also disturbs menstrual cycle.
• Drug abusers can also have some irregularities in their periods.
• Some eating disorders like bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa also cause menstrual cycle irregularities.
• Increased stress may cause of irregular menstruation in some cases.
• A disease called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can cause estrogen dominance in the blood which can be the cause of irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
• Uterine abnormalities such as polyps, cysts, fibroids and endometriosis.
• Recent child birth or miscarriage may cause irregularity.
• Some women have period irregularities when they breast feeding.
• There can be some changes in menstrual cycle at the beginning of menopause in a woman.

The above reasons can cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle. If you are concerned about irregular menstrual periods in yourself or a family member or a friend, then it is recommended to discuss these issues with your health care professional